WebArena Indigo がうれしい点


メモリ32GBで月額 11,193円で、他の1/3で使えます。


HomePage : https://web.arena.ne.jp/indigo/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=indigo&argument=vUrp7v4z&dmai=g_210113_102

[ メリット ]
1) 価格が安い
2) NTTなので安心
3) 従量制課金
4) 設定がシンプルでかんたん
5) スナップショットがとれる
6) SSDの容量が大きい

[ デメリット ]
1) CPUがXEON E3で少し遅い
2) IPアドレスが1個しかとれない
3) スナップショットはとったインスタンスでのみ利用可(コピーしてスケール出来るわけではない)
4) メンテナンス停止が多く連絡が間際な場合がある(らしい)
5) しばらく操作しないとSSHが切断される
6) 多分スパム、なりすましのブラックリストに入ってるのか? Postfixからのメールが届かない。(SMTPで転送しても届かない)



VPS比較2021年版リンク : https://vpshikaku.com/webarena-indigo/

AeroDataBox Aviation API



だいたいのデータは揃ってます。OpenSkyの飛行機コードがICAO24, CallSignなので、それらからフライト番号を参照したり、エアライン、出発、到着、時刻を参照したりしてます。

Home : https://www.aerodatabox.com/


API ドキュメント : https://doc.aerodatabox.com/

Airport flights, departures and arrivals (FIDS) by airport ICAO code で、出発空港発の各到着ルート数、そのエアラインとかがわかります。

[ 利用画面例 ]





航空情報 2023年 3月号 [雑誌]
価格:1425円(税込、送料無料) (2023/2/9時点)

Calendarific World Holidays


Home : https://calendarific.com/





[ 画面例 ]





[ my.cnf に追加した設定 ]

log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1


Leaflet Javascript のベースレイヤーでMapboxのレイヤーを使う

[ コード例 ]


 * Leaflet地図レイヤークラス
 * @type type
class MapLayers {

  constructor() {

   * 明暗種別取得
   * @param {type} label
   * @returns 
  getLDType(label) {

    const mpl = new MapLayers();
    const ary = mpl.getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray();
    for (let j = 0; j < ary.length; j++) {
      if (label === ary[j]["label"]) {
        return ary[j]["ldtp"];


   * ベースレイヤー
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray() {
    const LEAFLET_LAYERS = [
        label: '国土地理院標準',
        url: 'https://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/std/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "地理院標準"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: '国土地理院淡色',
        url: 'http://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/pale/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "地理院淡色"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'オープンストリートマップ',
        url: 'http://tile.openstreetmap.jp/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "OpenStreetMap contributors"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'グーグル衛星',
        url: 'http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=s,h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 20,
          subdomains: ['mt0', 'mt1', 'mt2', 'mt3']
        ldtp: "D"

      // 2021-04-11 //
        label: 'USGS 衛星 Topo',
        url: 'https://basemap.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/USGSImageryTopo/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Tiles courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey"},
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Esri 衛星',
        url: 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community"},
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Stadia Maps Dark',
        url: 'https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/alidade_smooth_dark/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Stadia Maps"},
        ldtp: "D"
      // 2021-04-11 終わり //

      // 2021-04-12 //
        label: 'CartoDB DarkMatter',
        url: 'https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
        attr: {
                  '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO'
        ldtp: "D"

        label: '白地図',
        url: 'http://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/blank/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {id: 'blankmap', attribution: "地理院白地図"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Stamen Toner-Background',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'toner-background'
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Stamen Toner-Lite',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'toner-lite'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Stamen Watercolor',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'watercolor'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Esri World Topo Map',
        url: 'http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Tiles ©  Esri Japan '
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Esri Ocean Base Map',
        url: 'http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Ocean_Basemap/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'Tiles by  Esri Japan '
        ldtp: "L"
      // From mapbox //
        label: 'Mapbox dark',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/dark-v9/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox satellite',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-v9/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox satellite streets',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox night traffic',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/traffic-night-v2/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox day traffic',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/traffic-day-v2/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Mapbox outdoor',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/outdoors-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Mapbox light',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v10/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
      /* {
        label: 'Mapbox decimal',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/hisashitanaka/ckj2fjsoj0alp19pqqtcvfk0i/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
    return LEAFLET_LAYERS;
  // mapboxgl.accessToken = "????";
   * OpenWeatherMap気象レイヤー Ver 1
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArray() {

    const WEATHER_LAYERS = [
        label: "Precipitation",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/precipitation_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {attribution: '降水',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Clouds",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/clouds_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {attribution: '',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Pressure",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/pressure_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気圧',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Wind",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/wind_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Temperture",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/temp_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気温',
          opacity: 0.9
    return WEATHER_LAYERS;

   * OpenWeatherMap気象レイヤー Ver 2
   * Freeライセンスでは利用不可
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArrayV2() {

    const WEATHER_LAYERS = [
        label: "Precipitation",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/TA2/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????&fill_bound=true',
        attr: {attribution: '降水',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Clouds",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/CL/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????&fill_bound=true',
        attr: {attribution: '',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Pressure",
        url: 'https://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/pressure_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気圧',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Wind",
        url: 'https://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/wind_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Wind with direction",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/WND/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速風向',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Temparture",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/TA2/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気温',
          opacity: 0.9

    return WEATHER_LAYERS;




    // -- ベースレイヤー設定 -- //
    // -C
    const layersclass = new MapLayers();
    let leyers = layersclass.getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray();

    let baseMaps = {};
    let curkey = "";
    let objlayer;
    $.each(leyers, function (j, itm) {
      curkey = itm["label"];
      objlayer = L.tileLayer(itm["url"], itm["attr"]);
      baseMaps[curkey] = objlayer;

      //console.log("curkey:" + curkey);
      //console.log("LDTP:" + itm["ldtp"]);

    // -- OpenWeatherMap設定 -- //
    // -C
    leyers = layersclass.getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArray();
    let weatherMaps = [];

    $.each(leyers, function (j, itm) {
      curkey = itm["label"];
      objlayer = L.tileLayer(itm["url"], itm["attr"]);
      weatherMaps[curkey] = objlayer;

    // 天気選択を加えたレイヤーコントロール //
    L.control.layers(baseMaps, weatherMaps, /*{collapsed: false}*/).addTo(lmap);
    // ベースマップを乗せる //
    let baseadd = baseMaps[layerkey].addTo(lmap);

[ 画面例 ]

Mapbox Night Traffic

Leaflet Javascript に OpenWeatherMap の天気レイヤーを重ねる


[ コード例 ]

 * Leaflet地図レイヤークラス
 * @type type
class MapLayers {

  constructor() {

   * 明暗種別取得
   * @param {type} label
   * @returns 
  getLDType(label) {

    const mpl = new MapLayers();
    const ary = mpl.getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray();
    for (let j = 0; j < ary.length; j++) {
      if (label === ary[j]["label"]) {
        return ary[j]["ldtp"];


   * ベースレイヤー
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray() {
    const LEAFLET_LAYERS = [
        label: '国土地理院標準',
        url: 'https://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/std/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "地理院標準"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: '国土地理院淡色',
        url: 'http://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/pale/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "地理院淡色"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'オープンストリートマップ',
        url: 'http://tile.openstreetmap.jp/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {attribution: "OpenStreetMap contributors"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'グーグル衛星',
        url: 'http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=s,h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 20,
          subdomains: ['mt0', 'mt1', 'mt2', 'mt3']
        ldtp: "D"

      // 2021-04-11 //
        label: 'USGS 衛星 Topo',
        url: 'https://basemap.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/USGSImageryTopo/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Tiles courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey"},
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Esri 衛星',
        url: 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community"},
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Stadia Maps Dark',
        url: 'https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/alidade_smooth_dark/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: "Stadia Maps"},
        ldtp: "D"
      // 2021-04-11 終わり //

      // 2021-04-12 //
        label: 'CartoDB DarkMatter',
        url: 'https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
        attr: {
                  '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO'
        ldtp: "D"

        label: '白地図',
        url: 'http://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/blank/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {id: 'blankmap', attribution: "地理院白地図"},
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Stamen Toner-Background',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'toner-background'
        ldtp: "D"

        label: 'Stamen Toner-Lite',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'toner-lite'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Stamen Watercolor',
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, ',
          variant: 'watercolor'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Esri World Topo Map',
        url: 'http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          attribution: 'Tiles ©  Esri Japan '
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Esri Ocean Base Map',
        url: 'http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Ocean_Basemap/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'Tiles by  Esri Japan '
        ldtp: "L"
      // From mapbox //
        label: 'Mapbox dark',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/dark-v9/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox satellite',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-v9/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox satellite streets',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox night traffic',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/traffic-night-v2/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
        label: 'Mapbox day traffic',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/traffic-day-v2/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Mapbox outdoor',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/outdoors-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
        label: 'Mapbox light',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v10/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "L"
      /* {
        label: 'Mapbox decimal',
        url: 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/hisashitanaka/ckj2fjsoj0alp19pqqtcvfk0i/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=????',
        attr: {
          maxZoom: 13,
          attribution: 'mapbox'
        ldtp: "D"
    return LEAFLET_LAYERS;
  // mapboxgl.accessToken = "????";
   * OpenWeatherMap気象レイヤー Ver 1
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArray() {

    const WEATHER_LAYERS = [
        label: "Precipitation",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/precipitation_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {attribution: '降水',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Clouds",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/clouds_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {attribution: '',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Pressure",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/pressure_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気圧',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Wind",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/wind_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Temperture",
        url: 'http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/temp_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気温',
          opacity: 0.9
    return WEATHER_LAYERS;

   * OpenWeatherMap気象レイヤー Ver 2
   * Freeライセンスでは利用不可
   * @returns {Array}
  getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArrayV2() {

    const WEATHER_LAYERS = [
        label: "Precipitation",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/TA2/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????&fill_bound=true',
        attr: {attribution: '降水',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Clouds",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/CL/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????&fill_bound=true',
        attr: {attribution: '',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Pressure",
        url: 'https://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/pressure_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気圧',
          opacity: 0.9

        label: "Wind",
        url: 'https://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/wind_new/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Wind with direction",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/WND/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '風速風向',
          opacity: 0.9
        label: "Temparture",
        url: 'https://maps.openweathermap.org/maps/2.0/weather/TA2/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=????',
        attr: {
          attribution: '気温',
          opacity: 0.9

    return WEATHER_LAYERS;



// ****** 描画用メソッド ****** //

    // -- ベースレイヤー設定 -- //
    // -C
    const layersclass = new MapLayers();
    let leyers = layersclass.getLeafletBaseMapLayerArray();

    let baseMaps = {};
    let curkey = "";
    let objlayer;
    $.each(leyers, function (j, itm) {
      curkey = itm["label"];
      objlayer = L.tileLayer(itm["url"], itm["attr"]);
      baseMaps[curkey] = objlayer;

      //console.log("curkey:" + curkey);
      //console.log("LDTP:" + itm["ldtp"]);

    // -- OpenWeatherMap設定 -- //
    // -C
    leyers = layersclass.getLeafletWeatherMapLayerArray();
    let weatherMaps = [];

    $.each(leyers, function (j, itm) {
      curkey = itm["label"];
      objlayer = L.tileLayer(itm["url"], itm["attr"]);
      weatherMaps[curkey] = objlayer;

    // 天気選択を加えたレイヤーコントロール //
    L.control.layers(baseMaps, weatherMaps, /*{collapsed: false}*/).addTo(lmap);
    // ベースマップを乗せる //
    let baseadd = baseMaps[layerkey].addTo(lmap);


[ 画面例 ]

turf.js で Bスプライン曲線




[ コード例 ]


GoogleMap 呼び出し側

const geojsonfnm = "geojson/SimpleLine.json";

$.getJSON(geojsonfnm, function (data) {

      const geomes = data["geometry"]["coordinates"];
      let applyData = data;

      // -- スプライン指定している場合、turf.jsでスプライン変換 -- //
      if (isSpline) {
        //console.log("--- Splined");
        // -C 自作ラッパークラス //
        const myturf = new MyTurf({resolution: 20000, sharpness: 2});
        applyData = myturf.getSplinedGeometries(geomes);
      // GeoJSON を描画 //
      let lines = gmapS.data.addGeoJson(applyData);


 * turf.js用ラッパークラス
 * @type type
class MyTurf {

   * コンストラクタ
   * @param {type} optionmap オプション値
   * @returns {MyTurf}
  constructor(optionmap) {
    this.optionmap = optionmap;

   * Bスプライン曲線
   * @param {type} line Feature  [[lat,lon], [lat,lon], [lat,lon]]
   * @returns {undefined} Feature  - curved line
  getSplinedGeometries(geomes) {
    let line = turf.lineString(geomes);
    return turf.bezierSpline(line, this.optionmap);
   * 中心点取得
   * @param {type} geomes
   * @returns {unresolved}
  getCenter (geomes) {
    let features = turf.points(geomes);
    return turf.center(features);

   * 2点位置指定方向取得
   * @param {type} p1
   * @param {type} p2
   * @returns {unresolved}
  getBeaing(p1, p2) {
    return turf.bearing(p1, p2);
   * 方向角配列
   * @returns {Array|drawMapLAFlightSP.splinedBearingArray.barray}
  getSplinedBearingArray(coordinates) {

    let barray = [];
    let prevll;
    let tmpbearing;

    const myturf = new MyTurf();
    const pushToArray = (ll, idx) => {

      if (idx > 0) {

        prevll = coordinates[idx - 1];
        // turf.jsで方向角を求める //
        tmpbearing = myturf.getBeaing(prevll, ll);
        // 時計式角度を航空式角度に変換 //
        tmpbearing = tmpbearing < 0 ? Number(tmpbearing) + Number(360) : tmpbearing; // アイコン用整数に四捨五入 // tmpbearing = Math.round(tmpbearing); barray.push(tmpbearing); } }; coordinates.forEach((ll, idx) => pushToArray(ll, idx));

    //console.log("--- barray");
    return barray;



[ 利用例 ]


